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Back in high school I was a makeup fiend. I would scour Youtube for tutorials and makeup haul videos. I would then work and spend all my money at Ulta. Makeup was a very important form of self expression for me. Especially when I attended private school. Now days I have found many different ways of self expression. Also, I do not have as much free spending money as I did back then. This made my makeup journey take some sort of a hit. I stopped buying makeup and started rationing what I did have. To this day I often do not make big makeup purchases very frequently. I have found a very different way to use and wear makeup that works for me in my regular life and my modeling experiences as well.

The biggest battle in makeup always seems to be drug store or high end. Which looks better for the price point. I do not know about you. But I hate spending a lot of money on one item. So if I did spend bigger money on makeup it usually was always a palette. For example, my favorite key palettes are Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kits (any of them $40), ABH Contour Cream Palette ($40) , and BH Cosmetics Take Me to Brazil Palette ($15). These palettes have lasted me forever and are ones I use nearly every day. 
It is important to have a few key palettes that you can use all the time. This will end up saving you money because you can gather many different looks from one palette. 

Smaller items I've always purchased at the drugstore.  Some of these products include mascara, foundation, primers, concealer, and lipstick. I have purchased all these items in more expensive settings and honestly find that as long as your research is correct it really does not have that much of a difference. It is important and honestly useful to do research on drug store products. My personal favorite are drug store hauls on Youtube. Obviously there are going to be some products that are better than others. The good news is if you find a product you do not like it does not feel like such a blow to the bank account if it does not work out. 

I feel that when you mix higher end and drug store products you come out with consistent beautiful looks. You'll always be able to change and spice your look up with your bigger and higher end palettes. But you will always have a consistent base (mascara, foundation etc) that you can find cheaply in the drugstore. This is especially important because those items tend to run out and need to be replaced the quickest. 

NYX is a cosmetic line that is my personal favorite. They seem to carry higher end products while being able to market them at a reasonable cost. Plus they are now carried in a lot of drug and independent stores making them easily accessible. 

As a model I find that I am doing my makeup on the run frequently. Which means that I usually have a small bag with a few key items to pull off any look. I wanted to be able to share these with you because I feel that for other models or even just busy people this saves a lot of time.

I use a small ipsy bag and in it I ensure to have the following items:
1) concealer
2) foundation + beauty blender
3) tiny eyeshadow palette
4) mascara or falsies 
5) highlighter 

With these items I can usually throw on a very glowy natural look in my car or in a bathroom. This makes those extra busy days just a little less stressful. 

I wanted to include an example of a makeup look below! This look was pulled off in less than 20 minutes. I used all my basic drugstore products which I mixed in with my Take Me To Brazil palette.

Eyes- Take Me to Brazil palette, Lash Sensational Mascara by Maybelline
Lips- NYX Lip Cream (in some light pink color sorry the name wore off)
Face- Revlon ColorStay Foundation, ABH Cream Contour, Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush, Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer, NYX Dewy Setting Spray, and ABH Sweets Glow Kit
Brows- Maybelline Brow Precise pencil

((Shots by 1king_meka on Instagram)) 


  1. Love this blog story:)! You should do one on the troubles of matching concealer and foundation 😂.


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